Saturday we will be having 8:00am class!
9:00am we will begin setting up for the 12.1 Open WOD. So, any volunteers and judges can start arriving then. We need as many judges as we can get! If you want to help sign up at the desk and talk to one of the coaches. But you must be comfortable judging and confident is revoking reps from an athlete if they do not perform the proper movement!
The competition has been opened to anyone who wants to come compete! Yes, anyone! But, you must register by 10:45am Saturday morning. Anything later than that will not be accepted.
Come hang out and cheer everyone one!
Coaches Choice
Strength WOD:
12 x 2 Front Squats @ 65% (Explosive!)
WOD: 2012 CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.1
7min AMRAP
Burpees to a 6″ Target above your reach