Yes, You Get A Partner For This One
WARM-UP: 3:00 Jump rope 2X: 10 Push ups 10 Wall squats 1 Set of fence drills 5:00 Group stretch WOD: Teams of 2: (35:00) 1600m Run (800m each) 100 Pull
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WARM-UP: 3:00 Jump rope 2X: 10 Push ups 10 Wall squats 1 Set of fence drills 5:00 Group stretch WOD: Teams of 2: (35:00) 1600m Run (800m each) 100 Pull
WARM-UP: 3 Rounds of box jump overs 2 rounds: :15 Ring support hold :10 Ring catch hold 5 Ring dips 10 Wall squats 5 Lift hand burpees 3:00 Stretch SKILL:
WARM-UP: 2:00 Jump rope warmup 10 Burpee broad jumps 10 Ring pull ups 10 T2Ring 3:00 Pec mobility 3:00 Group stretch SKILL: 10:00 Muscle up drill work WOD: AMRAP in
WARM-UP: 500m Row :30 Bar hang 10 Lunges each leg 10 V-ups 10 Lunge to Insteps Group stretch :90 calf smash R :90 calf smash L SKILL: 12:00 to build
WARM-UP: 1 shuttle run 10 wall squats 10 burpee pushups 3:00 Banded shoulder stretching SKILL: Push Press (12:00) 8 minutes build to a heavy set of 3 @70% of above
WARM-UP: 20 jumping jacks 10 squats 10 spiderman crawls 5 plank to squat jumps 1 set of fence drills SKILL: Every :90 for (4 sets) (6:00) 15 Wallballs (20/14) 5
WARM-UP: 200m row 10 pvc thrusters 5 pull ups 200m run 10 pvc thrusters 5 pull ups 10 wall walks 3:00 group stretch SKILL: handstand holds 3 X :45 rest
WARM-UP: 200m Run 2xs: 5 pull ups (strict if can) 10 push ups 10 jumping squats 90 quad smash R :90 quad smash L SKILL: 3 X 10 Unbroken thrusters
WARM-UP: 1 set fence drills 3X 10 wall squats 10 pull ups 10 push ups SKILL: Bench (15:00) 4X5 Bench press AHAP After each set: complete a set of 15
WARM-UP: Ladder drills 10 pvc pass throughs 10 pvc good mornings 10 pvc OHS 5 narrow grip OH squats with :5 pause at the bottom with a pvc 3:00 group
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217