Athlete of the Month

Athlete of the Month

All of us who work out here at Mission CrossFit SA train hard. We are all on our own journey in pursuit of a higher level of fitness, health and ultimately, life. It is not an easy journey, but it’s worth it. It requires hard work, sweat, discipline, and perseverance. The journey is filled with challenges, obstacles, and sometimes-even setbacks. And although every person’s road is unique, it is not a solo endeavor. We are in the pursuit of fitness together. Like a team, when a person is knocked down, the group responds by picking them up. Equally as important, when someone succeeds, their accomplishments are enjoyed and celebrated by the whole. To that end, every month, one person will be recognized for their outstanding achievements in fitness, whether they are in or out of the box.

This page is dedicated to that individual who portrays what CrossFit is at Mission CrossFit SA. It is someone who pushes hard, never gives up and wants to accomplish something each day they step foot inside our gym. They are chosen by their peers and lead by example. The athlete doesn’t necessarily lift the most amount of weight, or win every WOD, but instead they have passion and desire for what their individual goal is. Work hard, everyone is always paying attention, and you could be next!

April Athlete of the Month 2018

Congratulations to Lina Leal for being selected for April’s Athlete of the Month. Lina has shown tremendous work ethic since she started at Mission 18 months ago. Although a veteran of the CrossFit lifestyle, she is still seeking ways to improve, even if it means going to the local high school track to knock out some laps and burpees. She recently improved her “Grace” PR by 2:17 !!  For those reasons and many more is why Lina is deserving of Athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit– I started CrossFit back in 2011.
Favorite WOD– I love Nancy and Fran.
Least favorite WOD– Isabel.
Favorite lift– I love thrusters and overhead squats.  I know I’m weird ?
Least favorite lift– Snatch.
Story- I’ve always struggled with my weight.  Since I was little I had trouble keeping it in check.  After I had my kids, with a combination of having a job where I sat all day, I found myself weighing 200lbs at the age of 32.  I was the kind of person that always had a smile on my face but felt terrible on the inside.  One day I just decided to do something about it.  I joined a commercial gym and started eating better and lost 40 lbs on my own. I reached a plateau that I couldn’t break and I heard of CrossFit but was scared to death to try it.  At that time there were only like 5 gyms in San Antonio but was lucky enough that there was one down the street from my work and some of my co-workers and I decided to try it.  Body Armor CrossFit on that first day  put us through the ringer and I felt I was going to die but I was hooked instantly.  I lost the last 25 lbs and reached my goal weight.  I moved to Mission CrossFit I would say about a year and half ago and have felt at home ever since.  The coaches are awesome and the community is very supportive.  Shout out to the 5:30AM class.  (DA BEST LOL)  I love the group class environment.  We push each other and cheer each other on.  I also enjoy the Sunday class with Coach Rocha because it’s always a great workout and his music selection rocks ?  I hope to be doing CrossFit for as long as I can and I want to thank everyone at Mission for being supportive and always going above and beyond to get the best out of you. You guys are awesome.


Lina Leal


March 2018 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Lane Naugher for being selected as the March 2018 Athlete of the Month. Since Lane arrived back in August of 2016, he has been the silent assassin.  Coming in and crushing every WOD we put in front of him, except when we throw handstand push-ups. Lane works as an orthopedic surgeon so he knows the human body and the great benefits it gets from CrossFit.  For those reasons and many more is why Lane is deserving of Athlete of the month.

Started CrossFit: February 2015
Favorite WOD:  16.4/17.4 and Murph
Least Favorite WOD:  Mary or anything with pistols/HSPUs
Favorite Lift:  Squat
Least Favorite Lift:  Snatch/Overhead squat
I was the typical smallish town Texas high school athlete, playing every sport I was allowed to and my fitness was simply a passive byproduct of no true offseason.  I transitioned to college where intramural sports and trying to mimic my high school lifting routine in the rec center kept me in decent shape.  After graduation, I survived only a single year teaching middle school before starting medical school.  It was during the next decade of medical/surgical training that a poor diet and lack of exercise/self discipline took its toll.  I was overweight and had back pain which would only improve when I was active but still couldn’t find the time (discipline) to consistently make it to the gym or knock out some p90x videos.  A fact not lost on Junior as he gently pointed out that he didn’t recognize me from old instagram photos from that period of time.
CrossFit was first introduced to me by a few college friends that had just begun.  I suspected I would love it if I would just show up to give it a go but always convinced myself that it was too expensive, inconvenient, dangerous, etc to actually go and try.  My wife and mother in law knew I might never make the effort to get started and paid for my first month’s trial as a birthday gift in 2015.  The coaches at Crossfit Richardson in North Dallas worked with me through my on ramp program.  I finished my first baseline workout in around 9 minutes and felt like my lungs were going to explode. I then spent the next 2-3 months in nearly constant soreness.  I could not do pull ups, toes to bar, anything overhead or finish most WODs by the time cutoff.   I had never failed at anything so consistently but was hooked.  I stuck with it and after 6 months was starting to finish workouts Rx. I am now 3 years in and continue to slowly hit new PRs and “firsts” – kipping handstand pushups and muscle ups most recently.
I’ve now been a member at 3 boxes after moves between Texas and North Carolina and have dropped in at many other boxes around the country.  We are lucky to have the coaches and community at Mission.  Thanks for welcoming me and my family.  I jump around classes quite frequently due to varied work schedule and have enjoyed meeting people at all different times. I look forward to the upcoming Open and to many months and years in the future.
Brief side note, I work as an orthopedic surgeon here in San Antonio and spend most of my time fixing knees, hips and shoulders.  I believe Crossfit is safe and wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t believe it – but listen to the coaches!  They know how to protect us from ourselves.  I love what I do at work and love talking shop.  Feel free to ask questions if needed at the gym.  I truly don’t mind answering or giving advice if I can.




February 2018 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Kayla Reisner for being selected as the February 2018 Athlete of the Month. Kayla’s first taste of CrossFit happened when she did a 6 week summer teen class with Coach Junior. Since then she has been a regular at the 5:30am class. She has over come her exercise induced asthma and has grown out of her shell she first had when she started. She is also lucky enough to have her CrossFit classes count as her P. E. credit.  For those reasons and many more is why Kayla is deserving of Athlete of the month.

Started CrossFit:  My first ever class was back in the summer of 2016 when I signed up for the
teen class with Junior. Then I restarted in June of 2017 in the regular class.
Favorite WOD: Diane. Although I can’t do HSPU yet, I love deadlifts. Workouts with
built in rest are awesome.
Least Favorite WOD:  Helen. Running. No.
Favorite Lift:  Either deadlift, back squat, or squat clean.
Least Favorite Lift:  Anything overhead
Story: I was surprised to hear that I got athlete of the month. I, of course, felt noticed and loved which
is great for someone’s ego but I also felt like there are others that definitely deserve it more.
Besides that, I’m going to be grateful that I was even in the coaches thoughts.
I started CrossFit in the teen class with Junior at the age of thirteen. I went in thinking I would
hate CrossFit and had major anxiety about working out with all of these strangers that already
seemed in shape. Man, was I wrong. Although the first day was a bust for me (asthma attack), I
came back the next day with a new attitude, wanting to work again. I always had issues with my
physical appearance but once I started CrossFit, I started feeling amazing about myself. My
anxiety and stress levels lessened due to being apart of something that I ended up enjoying.
Once the teen class ended, I joined regular class for a few weeks before school started and I
had to stop CrossFit.

The beginning of summer of 2017 is when I started CrossFit again in the regular class. Since I
had first stopped doing CrossFit, I wanted to come back. I restarted at Mission in the 05:30
class and have been working out in that class since. The dedication and friendship shared
between all of us in our small class is why I wake up at 04:30, not to mention our love of working
out. CrossFit has not only helped me with my body image, but has also helped me with my eating
habits. I started seeing my body as it should be seen: natural and beautiful. I learned so much
about what I was eating and how to control things better. My dad, Troy, and my step-mom,
Crystal, also had a huge part in me changing myself. They encourage me everyday and
motivate me to continue with my good eating habits so thank you. I also want to thank Junior for
being my first coach and Lacey for being my coach almost every morning among the other
coaches that have…coached…me.

Before Mission, the extent of my working out went as far as P.E. at school. Working out in the
beginning was difficult for me but I feel like I’ve seen a lot improvement in myself. I read some of
the other stories of previous Athletes of the Month and I thought about how they sounded so
adult. I then realised that I’m only going to be fifteen in February and that I have so much time to
go. I still have so much time to improve and I’m ready to make more improvements on myself
not only physically, but mentally. Thank you, one more time, for choosing me to be February’s
Athlete of the Month


December 2017 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Miguel Ortiz for being selected as December 2017 Athlete of the Month.  Miguel grew up being active his entire life and focused a lot of his time on boxing.  After a long successful boxing career, he began looking for something new.  Not long after he began his search he found a new home at Mission and since then has been one of the most dedicated members.  He never misses class, always pushes as hard as he can and never takes no for an answer.  For those reasons and many more he is deserving of Athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit: March 2016

Favorite WOD: Mary

Least favorite WOD: The Bear

Favorite Lift: Deadlift

Least Lift: Overhead squat

Story: I started doing CrossFit in March 2016 because my wife had urged me to come try it with her. She told me that CrossFit was something completely different than anything else that I had ever done. After attending two classes with her, I decided to sign up.

I grew up in Corozal, Puerto Rico and all my youth I was involved with sports.  I trained as a professional boxer earning a record of 53-40-13 and after I retired I was always on the lookout for new exercises. I continued to do my own traning since I moved to San Antonio 11 years ago but I always felt I was lacking something, that is until I found Mission.  The Coaches are very  always very professional . One of the best things about the Mission Coaches is that they celebrate my PR’s ( personal records ) more than me. That is great motivation for me to work harder so I can continue to see improvements. One of the most important things I take away from my CrossFit journey, pay attention to your wife, they are always right!

Thank you Mission CrossFit!! I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



November 2017 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Paige Naugher for being selected as November 2017 Athlete of the Month.  Paige worked out through her entire third pregnancy and jumped right back into it, making all suggested modifications along the way and NEVER making excuses.  Paige always strives to get better and isn’t ashamed to ask for help or advice.  She is setting such an amazing example for her children and for all of us, simply by showing up (usually with two to three kids).  She always makes time in her busy schedule to come in and work hard!  Her presence and positive attitude are such an inspiration to all. For those reasons and many more she is deserving of Athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit:  I showed up for my first “on ramp” class in November of 2015 at our YMCA in North Carolina.
Favorite WOD: Of the named ones, probably Barbara, but I love WODs that have running (200-800) before and after some other movements.
Least Favorite WOD: Diane
Favorite Lift: Back squat
Least Favorite Lift: Snatch. That’s just dumb.

Story: The truth is y’all should be very suspicious of this “athlete of the month” thing. I’ve hardly been a devoted Mission Athlete especially the past few months. I started CrossFit once I was cleared for exercise after delivering Luke (our two year old) then we moved to San Antonio and between the two of us, Lane and I visited most of the boxes south of 1604. We joined Mission because Lane liked it best and they had a space where we could corral our kids.
I’ve since been working out here for a year, delivered our third baby, Ben, and this place has become way more than a space to corral the kids. I’m so inspired by you people… you high schoolers who come for a study break and a challenge, you parents of school age children who are making time to devote to your own health and fitness instead of being consumed by their schedules and needs, you young professionals who arrive before or after long stressful work hours, you masters athletes who see age as just a number and are in better shape now than previous decades, you with special needs children who come for a moment to breathe, you who have high fitness goals and must train hard every single day to attain them. Each and every person I’ve met here has a unique story to which I only know a small piece but is so inspiring. I basically limp in to the gym each day dragging a two year old, chasing a five year old and pushing/nursing/carrying an infant. I spend the first five minutes getting everyone settled and then sometimes have to pop back over there to resettle everyone who has somehow lost their $@%+ in the last fifteen minutes since our arrival. I’m weak at most all CrossFit lifts and struggle with all gymnastics moves, I get self conscious about sharing scores/times, I worry about leaving the kids for the hour, I have a million excuses, but then I get on the floor and I see you guys. I’m reminded that we all have our weaknesses, struggles, stresses, etc but if you guys can go out there and crush your goals then I can give my all for 50 min.
So you’re my story! And don’t even get me started on my husband who’s the real reason I started CrossFit. He should be getting this award! You’d probably like that because he would never write this much. In conclusion, I swear I’m trying to get there on time and count my macros and track my lifting goals and log my WODs and do all the mobility stuff, but for now I’m just able to show up, work out, and watch you guys crush it! Thanks.

October 2017 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to William Snowden for being named October 2017 Athlete of the Month!  Will started CrossFit just 11 months ago after a year of traveling with this wife.  He noticed he couldn’t do things as well as he would like, and didn’t like how he looked or felt.  He had always been active, and knew it was time to get back to that way of life.  He decided to start CrossFit, and the rest is history.  You can see Will at the noon class almost everyday where he will throw down at every class while being one of the first to arrive and last to leave.  For these reasons and many more he is very deserving of the title of Athlete of the Month.
Started CrossFit:  November 2016
Favorite WOD:  Nancy for the combo of focus/balance/stamina it takes to OHSQ each round after those 400m runs
Least Fave WOD:  Angie, death by pull ups!
Fave Lift:  Squats or Dead lift
Least Fave Lift:  Split Jerk (times infinity)
Story: Thank you so much, it is an honor to be chosen as an Athlete of the Month. I want to share this distinction with my friends and peers who attend during the lunch hour because you all are truly an inspiration for me. No matter if you are working through injuries, overcoming plateaus, or consistently crushing it – everyone has such a great attitude and it is clear that nobody leaves without giving it their everything. MCFSA coaches have done a great job cultivating this community, and I am humbled to be recognized from among such an amazing group of people.

I started CrossFit for the first time just 11 months ago. The year leading up to that decision my wife and I had traveled quite a bit. As I looked back at our pictures (and there were a lot) I was not happy with myself for the shape that I had fallen into. I recall during those trips I couldn’t keep up during hikes, had to forgo activities I wasn’t physically able to safely complete, was uncomfortable shirtless at the pool or beach, and most embarrassingly my gut was so big it would compress my diaphragm so that I had to hold my breath to bend over and put on my shoes. It was a far cry from what I always considered “my normal self” because I was always very active, even as as a child: dabbled in gymnastics at 5, then soccer in elementary thru middle school, football=life in high school, and all the while was also doing 15yrs of martial arts. In college I stayed active playing every intramural sport and joined the UTSA Cheerleading Team (GO ROADRUNNERS!!!). So nearly all my life I was agile, flexible, quick, and athletic. But as I transitioned out of college and got more career focused, the activity level slowly dropped until I was literally paying for a Gold’s Membership for 3yrs, yet I never stepped into their facility once after enrollment. Enough was enough and I went hunting for a CrossFit gym because I knew I needed that level of intensity and the constantly-varied programming. Lucky for me MCFSA is literally one parking lot away from my work. From Day 1 I told the coaches I am committing to a new routine, but truthfully I had no idea what I was in for! My very first workout was Fran- which I scaled with just the 35lbs bar + jumping pull ups and I hit the 10min time cap. I was sore for days after that. But now, here we are 11mo later: I’ve lost 40lbs and 2 pants sizes, nothing fits anymore (in a good way), my PR’s are way up from where I started, and I feel stronger and more nimble than I’ve ever been at any point in my life.

Again I want to thank all the veteran members of the noon class who immediately adopted me into the community, have shared their training tips and been so supportive every day. I also want to thank my WOD partner Tyler for making classes as fun as they can be and for always keeping me on my game. Lastly, I want to thank the staff of MCFSA for literally everything you do in class and behind the scenes to provide a clean, safe, supportive, and rigorous physical challenge in class every day.

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