February 2018 Athlete of the Month

February 2018 Athlete of the Month

February 2018 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Kayla Reisner for being selected as the February 2018 Athlete of the Month. Kayla’s first taste of CrossFit happened when she did a 6 week summer teen class with Coach Junior. Since then she has been a regular at the 5:30am class. She has over come her exercise induced asthma and has grown out of her shell she first had when she started. She is also lucky enough to have her CrossFit classes count as her P. E. credit.  For those reasons and many more is why Kayla is deserving of Athlete of the month.

Started CrossFit:  My first ever class was back in the summer of 2016 when I signed up for the
teen class with Junior. Then I restarted in June of 2017 in the regular class.
Favorite WOD: Diane. Although I can’t do HSPU yet, I love deadlifts. Workouts with
built in rest are awesome.
Least Favorite WOD:  Helen. Running. No.
Favorite Lift:  Either deadlift, back squat, or squat clean.
Least Favorite Lift:  Anything overhead
Story: I was surprised to hear that I got athlete of the month. I, of course, felt noticed and loved which
is great for someone’s ego but I also felt like there are others that definitely deserve it more.
Besides that, I’m going to be grateful that I was even in the coaches thoughts.
I started CrossFit in the teen class with Junior at the age of thirteen. I went in thinking I would
hate CrossFit and had major anxiety about working out with all of these strangers that already
seemed in shape. Man, was I wrong. Although the first day was a bust for me (asthma attack), I
came back the next day with a new attitude, wanting to work again. I always had issues with my
physical appearance but once I started CrossFit, I started feeling amazing about myself. My
anxiety and stress levels lessened due to being apart of something that I ended up enjoying.
Once the teen class ended, I joined regular class for a few weeks before school started and I
had to stop CrossFit.

The beginning of summer of 2017 is when I started CrossFit again in the regular class. Since I
had first stopped doing CrossFit, I wanted to come back. I restarted at Mission in the 05:30
class and have been working out in that class since. The dedication and friendship shared
between all of us in our small class is why I wake up at 04:30, not to mention our love of working
out. CrossFit has not only helped me with my body image, but has also helped me with my eating
habits. I started seeing my body as it should be seen: natural and beautiful. I learned so much
about what I was eating and how to control things better. My dad, Troy, and my step-mom,
Crystal, also had a huge part in me changing myself. They encourage me everyday and
motivate me to continue with my good eating habits so thank you. I also want to thank Junior for
being my first coach and Lacey for being my coach almost every morning among the other
coaches that have…coached…me.

Before Mission, the extent of my working out went as far as P.E. at school. Working out in the
beginning was difficult for me but I feel like I’ve seen a lot improvement in myself. I read some of
the other stories of previous Athletes of the Month and I thought about how they sounded so
adult. I then realised that I’m only going to be fifteen in February and that I have so much time to
go. I still have so much time to improve and I’m ready to make more improvements on myself
not only physically, but mentally. Thank you, one more time, for choosing me to be February’s
Athlete of the Month



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