Mission CrossFit SA would like to officially announce the start of our NEW 5:00am class!
This class will begin Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 7th and will run Monday – Friday every week.
It has already generated a large interest, so if you are looking at wanting to attend, talk to a coach or email coach Drew directly at [email protected].
This Saturday, August 10, there will be NO CLASSES or OPEN GYM. Instead, we will be having an in-house Olympic Lifting meet! You MUST sign-up on the board at the gym. There is limited space available and this will be the only thing allowed to go on during this time at the gym. If you’re not participating, feel free to come watch and support! There will be 4 platforms at one time, so a lot to watch and not all the attention focused on just one lifter. Don’t shy away because you’re nervous or unsure! This is an opportunity to have some fun with friends, get out of your comfort zone and experience something you may not otherwise do. We have all maxed our Snatch and Clean & Jerk in classes, now you get a chance to focus on just those!
7:30am – 8:15am
How It Works:
1. Pick opening weights for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. These should be numbers that you have hit before, or that are comfortable with. “I maxed my snatch at 145lbs and Clean & Jerk at 185lbs, so I’m going to open with 135lb Snatch and 175lb Clean & Jerk, just to be safe and make my first lifts.”
2. You will get 3 attempts at the Snatch and 3 attempts at the Clean & Jerk.
3. The order that you will be lifting will be based on what your opening lifts are; lighter the opening weights, the earlier you will go.
4. You will be given 5:00 to perform all 3 attempts at the Snatch, then 5:00 to perform all 3 attempts at the Clean & Jerk. Press-outs will be allowed. The judge will signal when the lift is complete. DO NOT drop the bar before this or it will be an incomplete lift.
5. There will be a 1:00 change over time for the next lifter after you. So, if you are next in line, be ready!
6. Everyone will complete the Snatch, then we will go back through and complete the Clean & Jerk. This way you get rest between the lifts.
7. Your start time will be posted Friday evening on the website. PLEASE check it to make sure you know when you are lifting. BUT, remember you must weigh-in between 7:30am – 8:15am, and your start time will be posted in the morning as well.
*All participants must be registered NO LATER than this Friday. Your session time will be posted to know when you need to get ready.
8. Winners will be declared based on the Sinclair coefficient (total weight lifted based against your body weight).
– Open Athletes (ages < 40 years old)
– Masters Athletes (ages > 40 years old)
PVC/Bar Warm-up
Building to a heavy single of the following complex:
2 x Snatch Pull (:05 descend from the hip to the ground after the high pull)
1 x Full snatch
WOD: “Tabata Something Else”
8 rounds of :20 on/:10 off of each exercise in this order.
*Score is total reps
*NO rest between exercises