Don’t forget that this Saturday night starting at 9:00pm, there will be music, beer, wine and food in honor of my birthday at the box! It’s open to anyone, so come have fun and get a night out! Also, we are still looking for a few more people who want to come Go-Karting with us on Sunday evening immediately after the 4:00pm class. There is already a good amount who are coming, but there is still room for a few more, so call or email and let us know! We need commitments!!! A maybe just won’t do since we are booking out the facility. The cost is $50. There will be food/drink provided!! Call 210.865.9348 or email Drew at We need to know by today!
800m Run
3min Jump Rope
2 Rounds
– 10 Snatch Balance with bar
– 10 Clean & Jerk with bar
5min AMRAP Air Squats
2min AMRAP Pull-ups
1min AMRAP Push-ups
3 Rounds
20 Sit-ups
15 Sky Divers
10 V-ups
**Coach Neal looks so cute with his heavy weights.


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