4:00 run/row/bike
:30/:30 lunge to instep
:30/:30 pigeon stretch
:30/:30 lying quad stretch
20 goblet loaded lateral walks (L/R/F/B)
20 loaded pelvic raises + :01 pause at top
15 single leg pelvic raise (each)
10 lunge and twist
10 cossack squats
10/10 strict high pulls
10/10 strict press + :01 pause at top
8/8 single arm thrusters
Support Your Local Box WOD 3
for time (16:00)
50 dual dumbbell deadlifts (50/35)
50 abmat sit-ups
50 step-ups (24/20”)
50 single arm dumbbell thrusters
3 rounds:
8/8 single arm seated z-press
8 negative bicep curls (:05)
10/10 chainsaw row