Barbell and YOGA Friday

Barbell and YOGA Friday

Barbell and YOGA Friday

“Final Friday” Is Tonight!

On the last Friday of each month, we at Mission CrossFit SA are going to either host and event or get people in our community together to have fun, let loose a little and enjoy a night together after all of our hard work.  These get together will be either at Mission or out in the community.  It’s an opportunity to have fun with your CrossFit friends outside of class and also meet and mingle with the Mission Family you don’t see in your class. Check back periodically to this page to see the up coming monthly “Final Friday” events.  


Location: Mission CrossFit SA

Time: 6:45pm – 7:30pm

Activity: YOGA

Skip Happy Hour and join us on tonight!  This is our first of many Mission Community Events to come, so stay tuned as more are announced.
PLUS! Meet Amy G. and Johanna, the two inspiring yogis who will be joining the MCFSA Family as our future yoga instructors!  We will begin offering yoga at MCFSA later this summer. For more information CLICK HERE.
200m Run
:30 Drills (x 2)
Jumping Jacks
Lunge to Instead
1:00 Self Stretch
Barbell Warm-up
5 Rep Max Touch-and-Go (TnG) Squat Clean (12:00)
*EMOM Format of 4 Power Clean + Jerk
*Rx (135/95)
Minutes 1 – 5:
4 Single Power Clean + Jerk
Minutes 6 – 10:
2 Single Power Clean + Jerk
2 TnG Power Clean + Jerk
Minutes 11 – 15:
4 TnG Power Clean + Jerk


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