Death By Overhead Squat

Death By Overhead Squat

Death By Overhead Squat

Since we do CrossFit, we love doing crazy things, well because we’re crazy to do CrossFit all the time.  So, coming up this November, right before the Rock N’ Roll Marathon, there is a “fun” run that is happening in Austin, TX.  This run usually happens in Dallas, TX, but they are shifting it to Austin for the first time.  It’s called the Warrior Dash!  It’s a lot like the Mud Run if you have ever heard of that.  It a 3.2mile run through different terrains and you have to overcome 11 obstacles along the way!  I want to try to get as many of us CrossFitters to participate in this Warrior Dash and we can all wear t-shirt that I can have made.  Lets represent our box and have some fun!
The dash happens on a Saturday and Sunday and I believe we get to choose our time slot for the run, so we can all run together if we choose.  There are prizes for 1st-3rd place for both male and female and lots of good food and beer afterwards.
You can get more information by clicking here, and if you sign-up by July 20th, the price is $10 cheaper.  I’ll make a list at the desk in the gym and sign-up if your interested and for what time slot.
Level 2 WOD:
“Death By Overhead Squat”
*1 OHSQ the first minute, 2 OHSQ the second minute, 3 OHSQ the third minute…Until you cannot do anymore.


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