Lets Deadlift!

Lets Deadlift!

Lets Deadlift!

We are working on Deadlifts and HSPU this month for Diane, so how about we just run and Deadlift?  Sounds like a great idea!
*Don’t forget Yoga tonight at 7:45pm!  The classes are $7 if you do not have an unlimited package!  Don’t miss out, Melissa is working your Hips tonight!
*We will also be receiving our new t-shirts in the next few days and they will sell for $20 each.  We have tank tops and t-shirts for the Women and t-shirts for the guys.  Check out the shirts below and come and reserve yours today!  Email me and let me know if you’d like one and I’ll hold it for you!

Level 2 WOD:
20min AMRAP
400m Run
15 Deadlifts (255/185)


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