Memorial Day Follow-up

Memorial Day Follow-up

Memorial Day Follow-up

Make sure you are putting your equipment away!  Yesterday after Memorial Day Murph, Christin and Dustin stayed after and cleaned up all the boxes, bands and chalk laying around. If you use something, put it away when you’re done with it!  If someone else uses it after you, then that person should put it away!


400m Run


10 Inch Worms

Strength: 3 Rounds

Max Reps Bench Press (@ BW)

15 KBS (24/16kg)

WOD: (3) 5min Rounds for Reps

200m Run

20 Double Unders

6 Burpee Pull-ups

*at the end of each round, you must hold a chin-over-bar for :20.

*if you cannot hold for :20, then you must subtract 10 reps from you score before you begin the next round.


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