Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WOD: 16:00 amrap: 400 meter run 15 back squats SKILL: 3 rounds not for time: 2-3 rope climbs curb to curb overhead kettlebell carry
SKILL: 1 mile run WOD: 3:00 to complete: 20/15 cal row 10 rower ab pikes max effort walking lunges with remaining time ———————————– Rest 3:00 *repeat for 3 rounds
WOD: for time: 80 air squats 40 toes to bar 60 wall ball shots 30 ring dips 40 kettlebell goblet squats 20 bar muscle ups
SKILL: 10:00 emom: 2 power snatch @ 85% WOD: “amer”: 4 rounds for time: 3 deadlift 6 burpees 9 box jumps
WOD: 25:00 emom: minute 1: 15/12 calorie bike minute 2: :30-:40 strict dumbbell bicep curl to strict press minute 3: 15/12 calorie row minute 4: 30 reverse lunges minute 5: rest
WOD: “rankel” 20:00 amrap: 6 deadlifts 7 burpee pull ups 10 kettlebell swings 200 meter run