Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
SKILL: every 2:00 for 10:00: 3 split jerks + :03 pause in catch WOD: for time: *25*20*15*10*5* toe to bar *= 2 snatches @ 77%
SKILL: 15:00 to build to a 5 rep strict press WOD: 16:00 amrap: 5/5 single arm dumbbell thrusters 20 weighted box step ups 40 double unders
SKILL: every 2:00 for 16:00: clean pull + squat clean + front squat WOD: for time: 30-20-10 lateral burpee over bar power clean
SKILL: 12:00 emom: m1: 8 deadlifts m2: 10-14 alternating pistols WOD: for time: 25 chest to bar pull ups 50 calorie row 100 dumbbell goblet squats 50 box jumps 20 chest to bar pull ups
WOD: 6 rounds for time: 12 kettlebell swings 60 double unders 12 sumo deadlift high pull 12 box jumps 12 overhead squats 1:00 rest
WOD: every 5:00 for 25:00: 15 lateral barbell burpees 12 deadlifts 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks