3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Coach

3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Coach

3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Coach


Have you ever tried working out on your own, or following a program on your own and feel lost, unmotivated and not achieving the results you are looking for? There are many reasons why this happens, but I have narrowed it down to these 3 specific reasons.

Number 1. Injury prevention. No one likes to stop working out because of an injury or be sidelined all together. Having a coach can help you stay injury free by them keeping a watchful eye on you while you train and workout. A good coach will have a keen eye for improper and inefficient movement as well as know how to assist in preventing it. Have an issue? Ask your coach.

Number 2. Accountability and Staying On-task. This is one of the hardest things to do when training by yourself. Without a coach to report to, accountability goes out the window. You can also get lazy, take a few extra days off and before you know it, it’s been a week of you lounging on the coach. The coach is there not only to motivate and educate, but to also to keep you on-task and hold you accountable for everything you’re doing. If the best athletes in the world have coaches, why don’t you?

Number 3. Hands-on Progress and Making Gains. Progressing while working out is the name of the game. We all workout and train for different reasons, and we all want to see changes. We may want to lose weight, get stronger, get faster or just look good naked, but no matter what your goal is the coach is there to help make sure you achieve those goals. A coach should have a hands-on approach to their training so they are able to breakdown movements to help you learn and progress effectively.

Whatever your goals are, find a coach to help you get there. They will become more than just your coach or someone who will help you get your first pull-up, they’ll become a great friend.

– Coach Drew

Mission CrossFit San Antonio has 3 Programs starting new classes and cycles next Monday, July 6th.

Want more information? Read more and sign up for these programs by clicking below.

CrossFit Sport

Mission Strength

CrossFit Kids




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