Athlete of The Month – July 2013

Athlete of The Month – July 2013

Athlete of The Month – July 2013

Name: Jennifer Smith

Started CrossFit: April 2012

Favorite WOD: Ones with Handstand push-ups, rope climbs, or “Cindy”

Least Favorite WOD: Anything with wall balls or sleds

Favorite Lift: Hang Clean or Hang Snatch

Least Favorite Lift: Overhead Squats

I was a very asthmatic and NON-athletic child. I even signed up to be a sports medicine trainer in high school just to get out of P.E. But as an adult, with my asthma under better control, I’ve done yoga, pilates, weight training with a personal trainer, P90X, boot camp, and I’ve trained and run several 5K’s, 10K’s, and a Half Marathon. In early 2012 I worked with a personal trainer for a couple of months and got into pretty good shape. I couldn’t afford to keep working out with her, but wanted to stay in shape for my Anniversary trip with my husband that summer.

I work for Fleet Feet Sports, and we often send our runners to Mission for strength training. In fact, one of my former Fleet Feet co-workers, Ady, was also a coach at Mission. Ady kept telling me I HAD to try Crossfit – over and over and over. It sounded too intense for me, but finally I caved and said I’d try it for a month. It wasn’t long before I was hooked. The competitive aspect still made me very nervous, but I was starting to see little gains here and there, and mostly started noticing that I had better muscle tone.

In February Coach Amy encouraged me to do the Paleo Challenge, even though I thought I could never do something like that. I did, and finished the challenge with very few “cheats”. What’s more, I started coming 3 days a week because I really wanted to improve on my benchmark workout. I started seeing more gains, and faster. Then the Barbell Prep class. I thought “I have no business doing this” but it was intriguing. My husband encouraged me to do it, and for the month of May I was at Mission 4-5 days a week, sometimes coming an hour early for drillwork and staying for the WOD. It was so much fun! In that month I got my first unassisted pull-up, my first handstand push-up, and my first pistols. I also PR’ed in several lifts.

Why Mission? Well, I initially chose Mission because Ady made me, but I stayed because of the coaches and the members. The coaches are deliberate in their work, always making me better. They watch closely, they encourage, they give specific advice on lifting form or how to perform better, and they PUSH you. I have had 3 kids, but I am in the best shape of my life right now. I am looking forward to getting double-unders, ring dips, and butterfly pullups. I think I may even sign up for the Crossfit Open in 2014.



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