Workout Breakdown VIDEO
3 rounds;
10 weighted good mornings
5 Inch worm to push up
5/5 romanian deadlift
5/5 high pull
5/5 strict press
5 burpees
1:00 calf stretch (each)
4 rounds (12:00)
:30 OH carry R
:30 OH carry L
:30 FR carry R
:30 FR carry L
(rest :60)
4 min amrap:
6 power cleans (135/95)
6 burpees over bar
2:00 rest
4:00 amrap:
4 shoulder to overhead
4 bar facing burpees
2:00 rest
4:00 amrap:
8 deadlifts
8 burpees
4:00 amrap:
6/6 power cleans
6 burpees over dumbbell
2:00 rest
4:00 amrap:
4/4 shoulder to overhead
4 facing burpees
2:00 rest
4:00 amrap:
8 sumo deadlift
8 burpees
4:00 amrap:
6 kneeling jump to squat jump
6 burpee tuck jumps
*modify kneeling jumps with kneeling hip thrust
2:00 rest
4:00 amrap:
4/4 odd object shoulder to overhead
4 odd object facing burpee
2:00 rest
4:00 amrap:
8 odd object sumo deadlift
8 burpees