I hope everyone had a great weekend! School is starting up soon, so I should be seeing many more of your smiling faces over the next couple of weeks. This is just to get everyone started!
Level 1 WOD:
15 “No-Drop” Pull-ups
30 “No-Drop” Plate Thrusters (45/25)
45 Sit-ups
30 “Unbroken” Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
15 “No-Drop” Pull-ups
*If you don’t finish your “No-Drop” or “Unbroken” set you must start that set over.
Level 2 WOD:
10 Deadlifts (95/65)
10 Squat-Cleans
10 Push-Presses
400m MBC (20/14)
*If you drop the bar at any time, you immediately do 50 walking lunges.