Athlete of the Month – September 2014

Athlete of the Month – September 2014

Athlete of the Month – September 2014

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Name: Katie Steinhoff

Started at Mission CrossFit SA: February 2014

Favorite WOD: Karen or Grace. Tough choice.

Least Favorite WOD: Any. AMRAP. Ever. Created.

Favorite Lift: the snatch! Shout out to an awesome afternoon Barbell Class 😉

Least Favorite Lift: The jerk. Mainly because of it’s name. Makes me want to really not like it. And I keep switching my feet when I land. I don’t know. It’s weird.

Story: A little over 3 years ago, I bought a Groupon for a month of Crossfit for my husband’s birthday, thinking “oh this might be kind of cool for us to try!” Best. Purchase. Ever. Day one we decided we loved it and never looked back. Globo Gyms were not for us anymore! I found a confidence in myself, my body, and my life that I truly believe I could not have found in any other community. I feel so incredibly thrilled to have found this Mission community and can’t wait to see more of what I can continue to accomplish with the support of my husband, coaches and friends that I’ve made in my short time here! Thank you![/vc_column_text][mk_gallery images=”12886,15818,15817″ style=”grid” column=”3″ image_size=”crop” height=”248″ hover_scenarios=”fadebox” item_spacing=”8″ margin_bottom=”20″ frame_style=”gray_border” disable_title=”false” image_quality=”1″ pagination=”false” count=”10″ pagination_style=”1″ order=”ASC” orderby=”post__in” item_id=”1432003851-555aa50bb7566″][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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