June 2018 Athlete of the Month

June 2018 Athlete of the Month

June 2018 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Jill Teixeira for being selected as the June 2018 Athlete of the Month. Jill has been a staple of the 8:30 am for the past 2 years. She always comes in with a great smile on her face, but don’t be fooled she will smoke you in the WOD. She has set some new PR’s and made some great friends. Its saddens Mission to  say goodbye to Jill as she moves on to the next duty station and new chapter in her life. We hope to see you again sooner than later. For those reasons and many more is why Jill is deserving of Athlete of the month.

Started CrossFit- June 2011
Favorite WOD-I love chippers; the longer the workout the better.
Least favorite WOD-Diane
Favorite lift-Overhead Squats & Power Cleans
Least favorite lift-deadlifts
Story– I love to workout.  In high school I was on the cross country, basketball and softball teams.  In college, I played basketball and softball.  I loved the comradery and competition.  After college, the competition and community went away and my workouts turned into solo endeavors.  Once I started having kids, it just got harder to find time to workout.  My “me” time became 5am workouts running or doing the latest beach body workouts.  I got bored with my workouts and had a hard time meeting others who liked to exercise.  In 2011, my twin sister introduced to me CrossFit.  I could barely raise my arms to wash my hair, but immediately fell in love with it.  I love the community.  I love the challenge.  I love the competition.   I have met some great people at Mission CrossFit.  This box has welcomed me into the area and made the two years my family was stationed here a blessing.  We leave this month.  I will miss all of you guys!




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