Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
SKILL: 12:00 to find 5 rep max thruster WOD: for time: 400 meter run 8 squat cleans 400 meter run 6 squat clean 400 meter run 4 squat cleans
SKILL: 5 x 4 negative ring muscle up to floor (1:00 rest) WOD: 4 rounds: 12 tall kneeling anti-extension 10/10 kettlebell front rack elevated lunge 8 deadlift 12 alternating strict single leg toes to bar
SKILL: 10:00 emom: 2 snatches from below the knee @ 70% WOD: for total repetitions: 3:00 row for calories (:30) 3:00 dumbbell thruster (:30) 3:00 ab mat sit-up (:30) 3:00 strict pull-up (:30) 3:00 bike
WOD: 4 rounds for time 15 thrusters 10 pull-ups 20 front rack kettlebell lunges 15 push-ups 10 kettlebell swings (heavy)
WOD: 15 alternating rounds with teams of 3: 200 meter run 9 push-ups 12 dumbbell/kettlebell front squats 15 sit-ups *tag partner
WOD: “moose” 1000 meter row 10 rounds of: 7 bar facing burpees 3 thruster 1200 meter slam ball run