Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WOD: for time: 800 meter run 100 air squats 80 sit ups 60 pull ups 40 clean and jerks 20 handstand push ups 800 meter run
WOD 3 rounds 10 snatches 12 bar facing burpees rest 3:00 3 rounds 10 bar muscle ups 12 bar facing burpees
SKILL: back box squat 10:00 to build to 1 rep max -then- 8:00 to complete: 4 reps @ 80% 6 reps @ 70% 8 reps @ 60% WOD: as far as possible in 8 min:
3 rounds not for time ( 12:00 ) 10 deadlifts (55-60%) 12 dumbbell glute bridge floor press (:01 hold at lockout) :30 dumbbell flutter kicks 3 rounds for time: (17:00) 500m row 3 sandbag walking
WOD: 25:00 emom :45 work :15 transition min 1: double under min 2: v-ups min 3: sandbag hold min 4: bike for calories min 5: rest
SKILL: every 2:30 for 12:30 set 1: 10 thrusters set 2: 8 thrusters set 3: 6 thrusters set 4: 4 thrusters set 5: 4 thrusters WOD: 4 rounds for time: 200 meter run 10 hang