2017 March Athlete of the Month

2017 March Athlete of the Month

2017 March Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Emmalind Aponte, known to us as Emma, for being selected as the March 2017 Athlete of the Month! Emma has been a loyal member for the last 2 years. As a busy working mom you can find Emma at a mixture of classes, as early as 6:30 am to even the 6:30 pm. No matter the class time she still makes it in to crush the WOD’s.  Even through a small shoulder injury you still found Emma at Mission modifying the WOD’s.  For those reasons and many more, she is definitely deserving of the title for Athlete of the Month.
Favorite WOD: Omar and anything with double unders
Least favorite WOD: Karen ( only time I wish I was taller)
Favorite lift: Thrusters ( Always kick my butt but I love the challenge )
Least favorite lift: Overhead squat
Story: I’ve never played a sport but the truth is that I’ve worked out most of my life; mostly cardio oriented because I never liked the ‘machine circuits’.  I would enjoy a training discipline for a while, get bored, then move on to something else.  Five years ago, I would never have imagined myself moving a barbell and relishing it.  I got into CrossFit about 3 years ago encouraged by my husband, he thought that I would like it but I was full of doubts.  I had no experience with barbells, kettlebells, or wallballs, and the movements were so intimidating. Nevertheless, my thirst for something new was the other push that I needed.
I did my first WOD and have never considered stopping.  I’ve had my ups and down but never gave up. I feel  stronger than ever in my life and I am no longer intimidated by the barbell. I love that any work out can be scaled and still be a challenge. I never get bored because every WOD tackles a different set of skills.   CrossFit has all the elements that I enjoy: it challenges me, it is fluid, and it keeps me healthy.
When we moved to San Antonio two years ago, we tried other boxes and it was Mission that I felt could become my box.  My intuition was right because I do not see myself anywhere else, I love the community at Mission.  I think all the coaches are great. I admire how Megan and Drew always strive to make Mission the best box in town. I never thought that I would say this but I know that I will be doing CrossFit till the day I stop breathing.



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