December 2016 Athlete of the Month- Crystal Reisner

December 2016 Athlete of the Month- Crystal Reisner

December 2016 Athlete of the Month- Crystal Reisner

Congratulations to Crystal Reisner for being selected as December 2016 Athlete if the Month! Crystal is one of the most genuine, hard working and dedicated people at Mission. You will always see her staying after to work in more skills and pushing herself beyond what she thought possible. She will great you with a smile and cheer you ok until the end. For those reasons and many more, she is definitely deserving of the title for Athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit: May 2014

Favorite WOD: Diane

Least Favorite WOD: Isabel

Favorite Lift: Jerks, HSPU, T2B

Least Favorite Lift: Cleans

Story: I began working out in July 2011, when a friend gave me a Groupon she was not going to use. Before this day, I had never in my life every attempted to workout before. So walking in this gym for me was a huge step. I was at my heaviest, 180 pounds, and didn’t like myself very much. I drank alcohol regularly and did not eat anything healthy. I worked out for almost a year before I started to lose any weight. It was very deciding at times; often left me feeling sorry I ever started the process. After the first year, the gym hired a nutritionist and began working with me on my eating habits. This was another obstacle I had to work really hard at because it included my husband and his daughter eating healthy with me. It actually ended up being the greatest thing for us as a family. We enjoyed cooking together and trying new recipes. In April 2014 the gym changed the way the transfer could work with us, so I decided to make a change.

In May 2014, I, along with Cassie and Claire, came in to try out our first free class at Mission. We all really liked it and decided to make the change permanently. The coaches have always been friendly and very helpful. I really enjoyed how everyone cheered for every athlete to finish; no matter how long it took, even finishing the workout together if need. It was all very inspiriting to see the camaraderie.

I have now been working out for over 5 years and can honestly say it is still weird to hear people call me an athlete or for me to sign up for competitions. Five years ago, I could not ever do a single full push up and I have scars on my knees to prove it. Now I can complete a WOD like “Fran” in just over 6 minutes. It is just amazing to have some of the best coaches in San Antonio teach me to be a better me every single day and never complain about it. This alone is why I enjoy my daily grade with Drew, Meagan, Mike, Junior, Rebekah, Beth, Amy, Ryan, Julianne, and the newest coaches Roland and Lacey. You all make the world a better place with your smiles. Love you guys!



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