December Athlete of the Month

December Athlete of the Month

December Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Julissa Salazar for being selected as December Athlete of the Month. Tying to make time for yourself to get to the gym is hard enough, but throw in a brand new baby girl. Julissa juggles being a brand new mom, work and still trying to make time for her fitness with class. She normally attends the noon class, but also throws in a 5am class every now and then. She has shown drive and commitment in her overall health through this journey as a first time mother. For those reasons and many more is why we have selected Julissa as December Athlete of the Month.
Started CrossFit– October 2017
Favorite WOD- ”Annie”
Least favorite WOD– ”Karen”
Favorite lift– deadlifts
Least favorite lift– overhead squats
Story– My story. I began my fitness journey back in 2013. I’ve always enjoyed watching the CrossFit games and been mesmerized by the movements, strength, and endurance athletes perform. My husband and I attended Krav Maga, a gym where powerlifting or CrossFit movements were not allowed. So we decided to join MCFSA, which a friend recommended. From the very beginning, I fell in love with CrossFit. I appreciate the coaches that take the time to teach technique because of them I have gotten better and a lot more comfortable with the movements.
What I have learned is that it takes practice, patience, perseverance and determination to learn every movement.
I have also learned that a person cannot accomplish any of it alone. It is through knowledgeable coaches and members/friends who motivate you. And of course the strength and the abilities that God provides.
Every day is a chance to get better regardless of life’s setbacks, so I count every day as a blessing and an opportunity to get stronger. With that said, thanks MCFSA family because of the impact you have had on me, I can reach my goals.


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