March Athlete of the Month

March Athlete of the Month

March Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Josh Aguilar on being selected as March’s Athlete of the Month. Josh has put in a tremendous amount of work over the past 6 years since being first being introduced to CrossFit . He was a staple of the evening Sport crew but a new job has seen him shift to the morning Sport crew. Although it was a new adjustment, he still comes in, throws heavy weight around and hits new PR’s . For those reasons and many more is why Josh is deserving of Athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit– February 2013

Favorite WOD– Jackie

Least favorite WOD– Diane/Anything over 20mins

Favorite lift– Overhead Squat

Least favorite lift– Deadlifts

Story– I was always an active kid.  Running around outside with all the other neighborhood kids until night playing street hockey, tag, backyard football, you name it.  Throughout my child hood I played about every sport you could think of and participated in track while in school where I ran the 100 and 200m sprints. Funny, as I wasn’t a fan of running at all, but thought it would be fun to try it out.  Once I started college, sports didn’t really play much of a factor in my life and I took to going to the gym and working out.  It was a regular GLOBO gym with the typical routine, Mondays were back and biceps, Tuesday’s chest and triceps, and some cardio every now and then.  I did this for a while, but my diet was horrible and ate whatever I could afford with a college budget.  When they say watch out for the freshman 15, it’s true.  Around January 2013, the gym I was attending had started a program called ALPHA.  My father had convinced me to try a few classes with him, and although I was a bit hesitant at first, I agreed.  The classes were fun and were CrossFit like, but after burning out too fast, I stopped going and went back to my normal gym routine.  In February of 2013 at a get together with some family and friends, I was introduced to a person who was opening up their own CrossFit gym not to far from where my family lived.  I signed up as soon as I could along with my family and was hooked instantly.  My first workout was “Filthy Fifty” and right after that I puked.  There was something about the intensity and the friendly competition that just filled a void inside that made me keep going back for more.  The most significant changes were the ones I started to see physically such as toning up and burning off fat. I always used to think that I fit, but CrossFit showed me otherwise.  I definitely drank the CrossFit kool-aid and would find myself talking about it to everyone I knew, although I don’t think my peers shared the same love for it as I did.  Somewhere in 2014 I had switched gyms, and in early 2015 a friend of mine had just joined Mission.  Every time we talked, they would mention nothing but great things about the gym.  After a few months of talking, I finally dropped in and tried out a class.  That was the deal sealer and in the spring of 2015 I officially joined MCF and haven’t looked back since.  Everything from the coaches to the community makes MCF the best in San Antonio.  The community here at MCF is definitely one of a kind, and the camaraderie can be seen in every class from morning till night.  I have made some amazing friends since I’ve been here at Mission and have learned so much in the past four years.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything else and am glad I made the decision to come to Mission when I did.  A  big thank you to the coaches and community for making this the best gym in town.  You all make coming to the gym everyday worth it, and I thank you for having me as athlete of the month! I am proud to be a member of MCFSA.

-Josh Aguilar



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